All our products may also be purchased at the South County Seasonal Farmers Market on Thursdays and Saturdays. For information or personal requests for our products please feel free to contact us by email or by phone.

Grass Fed Beef
Come visit the farm and you will see cattle grazing happily in the pasture. They feast on green pastures in the summer supplemented with hay in the winter and free choice cattle minerals year-round. Sometimes we need to entice them to come when called for herd health checks, loading, and transfer from one pasture to another. In those instances, we use pelleted soyhull.
Cattle are just like sheep, goats, and children in that they occasionally find the weakness in the fence and go exploring. It is those instances that we have no control over what they eat. (Hopefully not our tomato plants…again).
Our hogs are raised where they have plenty of room to eat, sleep, and take their favorite mud baths. Since our local miller has shut down, hog feed is sourced from the local farm stores and supplemented with leftover fruits and vegetables.

Sheep / Goats
Sheep and goats graze the pasture, eat hay, are offered free choice sheep minerals, and are supplemented with pelleted soyhull. Animals, like children, sometimes get into things they should not. Once they sneaked into the greenhouse and ate all our tomato plants right out of the cups. One day they sneaked into the feed room and ate horse feed. Neither is ideal. We cannot guarantee everything a sheep or goat may have eaten in its lifetime because we do not keep them caged where they can only have what we give them but allow them the freedom to live happily and make their own choices. But we do our best to see they eat healthily, live happily (and stay out of the greenhouse).

Chickens and turkeys free-range eat bugs and do what birds do. They are supplemented with poultry feed from the local farm store. As with all our animals, if they have the freedom to range, they also have the freedom to choose what they eat.

Eggs are produced from pastured chickens. The coop door opens in the morning, and they go out when and where they want. Doing what chickens do all day long.